Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

Dienstag, 18. September 2012

What is with people comparing human and animal rights?

So what?-Link

I tell you what is up with people comparing animal rights and human rights.

Humans are animals, you learn that in biology.

When we speak about human and animal rights we don´t mean that we want the right to vote for cows or equal job opportunities for bitches and human women.

Cows don´t care about votes, bitches don´t want to sit in an office and tip away on a computer.

This isn´t in the range of their abilites or mind.

What we mean, we all feel pain, we have feelings, we feel fear...we want a good life.

Clear so far?

When we compare human animals with non human animals we mean that both should have the right to be treated equally with respect, dignity and not to be abused just because someone sees them as inferior and dumb.

In biology we learn that cows, humans, dogs and other animals all have the same central nervous system and react with pain when you mistreat them, they will feel fear and get nervous disorders that are the same in dogs and cats and cows and horses as they are in humans.

Hit a dog and the dog will cower in fear because it doesn´t understand why the loved family member is bringing pain...same with a child, same with a grown human.
They will all feel pain and cower in fear.

They do not want to be mistreated.

This is meant when we compare human and non human animal rights.

The abused feminist who is feeling insulted by beeing compared to an abused non human female, is experiencing the same mindset as a sexist cis male does when compared to a woman.

The sexist male thinks that women are dumb and inferior and this is his reason for abusing them.
The homophobic human is thinking that non-hetero people are inferior and dangerous and this is his reason for abusing them.
The racist human is thinking that non-white people are inferior, dumb and dangerous and this is his or her reason for abusing them.
The speciest feminist thinks that non human females are inferior, dumb, dangerous or just way below them and therefor it is ok to abuse said females and their abuse matters less.
Therefor it is an insult when someone dares to say that when mistreated both suffer the same.

It is insulting to be compared to a human(non cis, non white, non male) you deem as inferior to yourself.

Same with feminists who feel insulted when someone dares to say that  abuse is wrong and humans, dogs, dolphins, parrots, chimps and cows suffer the same.

A speciest feminist thinks that only females they deem worthy have earned the right to be treated the same way they wish to be treated and feel insulted when you say that rape is rape.

A speciest feminist needs to degrade a non human female with the same attributes a cis sexist uses on said feminists, to have a reason why they only stand up for 'special', better females and not all females.

A speciest feminist uses the same degrading phrases and prejudices on others that have no means to defend themselves.

A speciest feminist feels degraded by beeing compared to a suffering animal because they have the prejudice that those animals are dumb, ugly, smelly and just plain inferior to them and beeing compared to them is an insult.

A sexist male feels insulted through female attributes put on him or when someone tells him that women are equal to men in their basic needs and deeds.

No one would say that women and men are totally the same, everyone is different, but in their basic needs...respect, love, feelings, the ability to feel pain and wanting to be treated well and be respected, we are the same.

No  one says that human and non human animals are totally the same. Cows have no interest or knowledge of voting. Humans don´t have four stomachs and live on grass. Chickens don´t want to drive a car and women don´t lay eggs and grow feathers and feel the need to take a dustbath and roost..

But no matter if you kick a woman or kick a dog, it hurts both in body and mind and is wrong.
A bitch and also a woman suffer the same when raped.

None of the two deserve to be kicked or raped, they are equal in their suffering and in their right to be protected from abuse.

As long as you degrade someone you deem less worthy, dumber and inferior, carry around the same prejudices as your abusers and deny 'the right of beeing save from abuse' to others, you will degrade yourself.

If you don´t think a woman, a homosexual, intersexual, disabled person or an animal is way below you, you can not be insulted with beeing called a woman, a homosexual, an intersexual, a disabled person or an animal.

It is really interesting how feminists can dig out the same prejudices against other beeings and act the same as cis, sexist men when you challenge their beliefs that abuse and abuse are not the same.

Human females and non human females are not the same, but they deserve equal basic rights.

If you think animal acitivists want the vote and schooling and equal job opportunities for cows, dogs and humans you either play dumb or you are dumb.
If you think a dog suffers less from a rape  than a human, you are either playing dumb, or you are dumb.

If you feel insulted by beeing called a woman, a child, a homosexual, a disabled or an animal, you carry the same mindset of prejudices with you and need to lose them.

Just food for time someone calls you a bitch, see it as an compliment and say so.Take power away from them by twisting their prejudiced insult into a compliment.

"Yes, thank you for seeing me as an intelligent, loyal and caring person. Bitches are really wonderfull animals and I thank you for thinking that I am such a wonderfull person"

Or the asian horoscope is also a way to take power away from abusers.
There are cows and chicken and pigs and apes and dogs.

"A cow? No, according to my horoscope I am a dragon/cat/whatever. But I thank you for thinking that I am a fiercely defensive, gorgeous person.I didn´t think that you knew about asian horoscopes, a pleasant surprise"


"Wow, how did you know I am a cow in the asian horoscope? I didn´t realise my caring, strong headed nature is shining through so strongly"

Or just

"I see you try to insult me by calling me a dog/cow/whatever. In reality they are wonderful animals with many good attributes. But I guess you don´t have those and can therefor not recognize them. Luckily I am not you, I would feel really insulted than(beeing said person)."

And so on....if you feel insulted you give them power.
Just try it, if you play it off good, the look on their faces is just so satisfying. Sure there are always the  ones who react with violence, who don´t have the ability to think in a proper way.But with the less stupid ones you have a chance to shock their brain back into thinking-mode.

Oh...and stop your prejudices, or they will always have fuel to degrade you easily..
You already took a step against common prejudices  and degradation, how about taking the next step instead of just standing there halfway?

It is a hard time standing against the masses, but throwing around degrading speech about other lifeforms who are abused and mistreated and see them as  inferior(and as an insult to you) is only making it harder.

Feminist-what´s the meaning?

Feminist means  standing up for the rights of females.

So they can have equal opportunities and rights as males and that they are both treated with the same respect, dignity and care and not abused.

I juggled a bit with the word...

Feminist, female..doesn´t  have the word human there, has it?

Humanists are for human feminists had logically to stand for all females right to be treated right, with respect and dignity and not to be abused, ridiculed and to be treated as an inferior beeing where it is ok to be abused and mistreated.

So how can feminists feel insulted when one female is compared  to the other female?

Rape is rape, isn´t it? Abuse is abuse. It doesn´t matter if you are black, or white, disabled or  from a different species.

Female is female, abuse is abuse.

Feminists feel insulted to be compared to other females when they see these females like men see women.

If you see a female as inferior, stupid, weak, dumb and think it is ok to use said female to gain something from it, bringing the other female pain, than you feel insulted as a feminist to be compared to a female you see as inferior to yourself.

There is nothing wrong with bitches, pigs or cows.

I bet there were feminists in the era of blacks beeing inferior to whites, feeling insulted to be compared as a white woman to a black woman.

That has changed now,so how about changing feeling insulted to be compared to a wonderful, lovely, intelligent and playfull animal like a cow, or dog, or a pig?

We ourselves degrade those beeings to be less than us, but in reality it is wrong to hit a horse, a cow, a kid or a human and it is wrong to call either of them stupid, dirty or worthless.
Just because they don´t have our abilities doesn´t mean they are stupid.

You can only feel dehumanized and insulted by beeing compared to someone, if you hold prejudices, ridicule them and see them as inferior.

There is nothing wrong with beeing a cow or beeing a human woman.
Stop prejudices...rape is rape, abuse is abuse and cows are wonderfull beeings, just like human females are.

Cows are different, not inferior and not an insult.

                                       Feminist for all females

pic by

Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

Little post about little birdies

Use plastified chickenwire or one whole out of plastic because the calciumchlorid might corrode others, eating away at the galvanisation of the wire.

If you don´t have the one out of plastic or don´t want to use it, use fine styrofoam flakes instead of wooden flakes and leave out the calciumchlorid.

You can also use plaster to make the birdhouses and nests, than you don´t need the calciumchlorid and can use  sawdust..but for the swallownest you need some crushed charcoal to colour the nest dark  or the swallows might not take it.

Also use only paint that is non-toxic and doesn´t clog the pores of the is important that the humidity can be balanced this way.

The entrance for the wrenhouse should be jutting out a bit so it doesn´t rain into the nest, no draft and  predatores have it harder to get in there.

Wrens like to breed in bushes, not higher than  2 metres. If you hang them higher, other small birds that like such closed nests, will take up residence there

Be careful and you can screw the nest directly on the wooden board instead of needing the it before the nest is fully hardened ..after one day you can still work with the slightly soft nest..after three days it is hard and dry and can be put up.

barnswallows like bowl-like nests while the house martin likes the nests as seen in the poster, closed  and only with a small entrance.

Barn swallows like to breed in barns, stables, rarely under the roof of houses.
But for example if the farm closed and the swallows have no longer a barn to breed, they will breed on the outside of the house under a wide roof that keeps them shadowed

Martins breed on the outside of houses, on the walls, outside of barns.

If you are not sure what lives in your area, put up the bowlshaped nests up,because the martins will plaster the nest shut to their liking ...but a barnswallow will not use a nest that has only a small entrace..

Samstag, 28. April 2012

If I had gotten a penny for everytime I was right...

...I would at least have 5 dollars

It is annoying to be right about something, tell people to fix it or that is something wrong, they don´t believe you and than they will have a long, long bill to pay when it is broken beyond repair.

This is only topped off when they say "Why didn´t you say something earlier"

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Not a real woman because....

Isn´t it ironic how some people call themselves feminists, all about the right of women and the sexism they have to endure, how they are only seen as a body, how they are pressed to be conform to society and they want the same rights for everyone,....

But than, surprise..

They turn out to be just as sexist as men, thinking they can tell women how to behave, what to do, what to wear because if a woman dares to be a housewife, wearing short shorts, she is just a sexobject for men and isn´t even realising how they have scrambled her brain...because she is only acting this way because she was raised this way and it is not right..

And what about those feminists that exclude men from sexism, from everything? Just push men in the dirt to get women higher up...

Sorry, if you want real emancipation, don´t tell women that they are not allowed to wear or do what they want, because that is just the same as the patriarchat did.

It doesn´t make it any less sexist because it comes from women.

You do not get emanzipation by taking the rights from one group and giving it to the other...

And than there are the feminist who are homophob...oh joy, because real women only love men or what?
Or the exact opposite, women should be with women because men are a***oles.

Surprise, women can just be as abusive as men.

Maybe I am just too openminded, but it blows my mind that there are homosexual feminists who are transgenderphob, don´t even know what it means(no, transgender is not the same as tranny, but trannys can be transgender.Just like women can be lesbians, but beeing a women does not mean you are lesbian), but talk about how those women are not real women and it takes more than a pussy and boobs to be a woman.

It also takes more than pussy and boobs to be a true human beeing and feminist.

To exclude women from the 'fabolous club of the one and only right women' because of an genetic disorder is so patriarchat like, it might give you a badge for that.

For all the real women out there who really know that beeing a woman means beeing kind to every fellow suffering women

Oh and transwoman not knowing how it is to be a woman...oh they know...believe me, ridiculed and mistreated by the patriarchat, shunned by family and friends because they are different and even by other women...

They know how women feel, it doesn´t need the ability to bear children to be a real women. Walk in their shoes before you think you can say otherwise.

And naturally the same goes for the transmen and all the transgender people who don´t fit in the schemes of society one way or the other or all together.

This post started out about feminists and transgender women because of something I encountered personally, not because I somehow prefer one over the other.

Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Sexism starts when people are told to put clothes on

Sexism starts when people are told it is wrong to be naked.

Ponder this sentence a bit and you see it is true...people beeing made ashamed about their naked body, beeing told it is wrong, beeing told they will be seen as objects, are ugly or whatever...

We are born naked, every other animal is naked and not ashamed of it...sexism starts when people tell you to put clothes on, because real men/women do not run around naked, because than they might be sexually assaulted.

Isn´t it sexist thinking that just because someone is naked, to think how wrong that is, how bad, or that it is the persons fault when they are than attacked and ridiculed?

In america, Tunik has been arrested seven times...why?

Because he shows human bodies just as they are..not pimped up, not sexual, just naked art, primal human beeings that they are...

Seeing NSFW photos almost guarantees a click thru on photos because of our prurient interest in seeing the forbidden — or naked people. This is the point of Tunick’s photography, which seeks to capture the human condition among large numbers of people.

Straight and gay participants — including one pregnant woman who postponed her C-section by hours to join the event — expressed the nonsexual nature of the event, while emphasizing its ‘tribal’, humanist vibe.

‘Tribal’ is a bit like ‘sensual’ in that the word implies ‘natural’ which is forbidden and disgusting, according to the patriarchy. The sometimes naked Indians of America and the Latin American women who greeted Columbus with flowers had to be ‘civilized’ by religion — as an example.

In particular, this loathing of the human body and our physicality has haunted — and I argue militarized — societies in its path.

The loathing of physicality has impacted women more so than men, because women menstruate and give birth. We do not forget that we’re tied to nature, while men build monuments into the sky, proving that they are not ‘of the earth’ or womanlike.

As soon as people think they can tell women and men what they have to do or what they have to wear or how they have to think because otherwise it is sexist...the feminists are turning into sexists themselves.
And feminist is a sexist word in itself because it is only geared to half of the human species...

...solely to it is sexist against men... if you use the overcorrectness so many feminists have at their beck and call, criticizing women for wanting to wear womanly clothes, beeing thin or housewifes and for men ..because they are men.
Many feminists who scream against sexism, still use sexist stereotypes and phrases...against men and women.

I hope it gives you food for thougt, to rethink feminism...who themselves think to know what is right and wrong when they are themselves having been formed and taught by other people who were once formed by society...

Just like other animals, humans have their instincts to preen and beautify themselves...there is no animal that doesn´t use certain measurements to make their image 'prettier'

Birds use flowers, berries, colourfull things to beautify their nest, they is a male bird sexist because he sings and wants to be the best singer? Is the doe sexist because she chooses the buck with the biggest headgear?

In the end humans have still a primal brain part and act on it..just like they breath, get tired or get hungry.

 In other natural living tribes, men use make up heavily, feathers and other stuff to pimp their hair...are they sexist?

 No..this is just natural... humans are animals and if they like it or not, some instincts, primal things still apply.

Humans are sexual beeings, just like all other animals..and plants...and it is in their nature to be sexual..and sensual..and having a gender..and gender specific stuff and ways to think ...more or less..hormones influence not only the body but also our thinking..most men have a male brain pattern, most women have a female brain is our brain sexist per se?

Montag, 9. April 2012

Warning, put your drinks down, stop eating, swallow.... how do you make a straight guy moan in orgasmic bliss, his lips wrapped around a penis?

Easy...the meatindustry makes it possible...or what do you think they put in hot dogs...

Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

Highway to Heaven

I like those series...

Charismatic actors, nice storyline...I wish they would make more of similiar wholesome series.

Oh alright I like pokemon and taotao and csiand Dr. House, but sometimes I miss those series where you can make yourself a cup of tea or hot choclat, grab some cookies and sit with the whole pack in front of the TV, just having a mellow, nice time where no big bangs happen..harmless enjoyment.

No dragons, no super ninjas..just people...and some peoplelike angels that don´t throw lightning around or burst their wings out to impress.

But maybe I am just a bit old fashioned.

What I always loved about this series that it teached tolerance, what humanity is about.

Caring for old and young, the healthy and the disabled...that we need  to protect our environment.

Whispered teachings that imbedded themselves deep in your I the only one who thinks so?

Sonntag, 25. März 2012

Hospital barf, the doom of patients

For everyone it seems, hospitalfood is a red piece of cloth.

Rarely it is that hospitals provide menus that are eaten, in most cases 50% of the food goes back untouched, in some hospitals more than that.

Even more problematic it is that the food is unbalanced or outright devoid of the nutrition needed for the patient to go back to health, or to meet the dietary needs.

Sure there may be menus for  people with celiac disease, for people with gastric problems or who have diabetes.

But sometimes not..or they are totally screwed nutritionalwise..or outdated.

Yes, it happens that some hospitals rely on mealplans for certain illnesses  that are from the 50´s or earlier...but than it was proven that it was wrong...and the hospitals still hold on tightly to outdated information.

Another problem is that the meals are delivered and often need only to be heated...and than are heated the wrong way.

Either not hot enough, so they are still cold, lukewarm and what is worse, bacterias might grow and lead to an outbreak.

Especially salmonella are a problem with sauces made with egg, desserts or breakfast scrambled eggs..or chicken dishes.

Not too long ago hundreds of patients fell ill with salmonella that was tracked back to a dessert made with eggwhites and not completly heated through.

Or in other cases the food is heated too long, veggies limp and soggie, bakery items dry and hard or even burnt.

Salmonellas are a big problem..not only for the very ill like cancer patients or someone who is recovering from a big operation. They are a big danger for the elderly,pregnant or children, but also for the average adult.

It is very contraproductive to go into a hospital to get better, just to contract an infection from the food..or loose strength because the food is inedible

Most hospitals spent only 1,50  to 2 dollar/english pound or euro on a patients food for a day. Just food, not labour or the cost of electricity included.

So now I try to work out a meal plan that has a great nutritional value, is with easily to cook dishes  that can be made in the house, are tasty  and also don´t break the budget.

For now it will be a weeks worth on meals.

Breakfast, lunch with soup, main meal and dessert or similiar dishes(like when you have a stew you don´t need a soup and the dessert can be lighter), a simple thing for tea time and dinner.

The menu should be easily adaptable or suitable for a wide range of patients(diabetes, celiac disease, gastritis etc)

You  still would need to choose from a weekly menu, but you could make notes on the side or even purchase something by the side(like when you want lots of fresh fruits which would be out of the menuplan but you could pay for those if friends and family can´t bring you them..or just chocolat, humans best friend next to dogs)

So...let the fun begin and see what can be done

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

When is a calorie not a calorie?

Is a calorie a calorie, or not?

An interesting read.
But I miss some points which I will add here.

First, the human body is not like a car, you don´t dump food in it and it will burn the food and win so and so much energy..or work a certain ammount of time.

The body can decrease and increase its metabolism,this is why some people can stay alive and work on 800kcal daily while others eat 3000 and more calories and have not even an extra ounce of fat on their frame.

Also...the calorie of white rice is digested differently from the calorie of parboiled or whole rice.

Same with the fructose-glucose sirup in soft drinks and the same ammount of glucose-fructose from fresh fruits.

Just look at the glyx/glykämic index.
The higher the numbers, the faster it will push your blood sugar levels up.

White polished rice will rise your blood sugar fast...and as fast it will again drop.
Parboiled rice is not much different to white rice, except that it contains more minerals and vitamins through the parboiling that pushes the vitamins and minerals from the bran and outer layer of the rice kernel deeper into the grain before the bran is polished off.

Those minerals and vitamins help to make parboiled rice a healthier choice, beeing less harsh on the ups and downs of the bloodsugar.

Nothing is different between those two..except that one has more micronutrients and helps the body to digest the calories in a more bodily friendly way.

Worth some thought, don´t you think so?

The sugar in soft drinks is like a wild rollercoaster ride..up and down and whooops...

Fruits have fiber, vitamins,  minerals and micronutrients that will give your body nourishment and long lasting energy...even when the sugar in fruits is a simple sugar and scientists told us it will go fast in the blood and just as fast will drop us again from the sugar high.

Fruits deliver fast energy, but they don´t drop you from a cliff.

Calories without micronutrients will make the body belief that its starves, therefor storing more fat and lowering the metabolism 

Tests with rats have shown that those feed part of their calories with sugar water will gain weight even when they have the same calories and exercise like other rats who are feed complete foods.

Those rats on a sugar drop will also get nervous, hysteric, agressive if they can not get their sugar water and will, like junkies, gulp down big ammounts of their allowance when they are given back the sugar water....

Digestion is a complex system

The body knows from a combination of stretch receptors in the stomach,through intake and digestion of micronutrients  and intake of whole foods  when he had enough.

This is why stomach fillers like tablets and fibre drinks don´t really still feel hungry after a short period of fullness because your body realises, even with the receptors telling you that the stomach has been full, you miss nutrients.

And because the body is learning what food he has to expects, the worse your diet was before, the harder it is to tell your body that he doesn´t need as much as he got before.

The body expects a certain feeling of fullness, a certain ammount of calories, a certain ammount of sugar, fat and protein...just like your dog will expect you to go for walks at certain times, wake up, or feed him/her.

We don´t know yet how exactly the body can know those things or see through the tricks we use on him to fake a full meal or sugar where there is only sweetener...but our body developed to it is just pure survival to realise that a certain food, even when tasting sweet or make you feeling full, does not provide enough calories or nutrients.

Or our ancestors would have starved.

Another part of this survival practice comes into play with out calorie rich, but nutrient devoid moder diet.

Oh you get more than enough from all much protein, fat and sugar as you desire.

But soda, white flour products, hamburgers and chicken wings do not provide all the micronutrients we need.

Our body realises that he just doesn´t get enough of those, despite the protein,carb and fat overload.

So our body thinks he is in some kind of starvation,which he is, starving for micronutrients he needs to function properly, lowering the metabolism, storing the calories because he gets too much from those and still making us feel hungry.

Because the body IS hungry, starving for minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids which are lacking in the modern diet.

Our body makes us hungry to eat, to find a food to restore the micronutrients he needs, but what do we grab? More soda, more fries, more white toast, more chicken wings, more hamburgers, cheese pizza and so on.

And we still feel hungry, but we can not tell for what.

Food devoid of nutrients doesn´t exist in the wild. If it gives you enough calories it also delivers normally enough micronutrients.

Nature didn´t know that humans one day would strip all the fibre, minerals, vitamins and other micronutrients from the food, leaving only fat, carbs and protein.

A calorie is not a calorie when you eat refined foods

Why Vegans shouldn´t say that plants do not feel pain and/or have no awareness

This is one of the pet peeves between deatheaters and vegans.

Vegans can only roll their eyes when deatheaters come with the argument that plants feel pain to, therefor vegans are also murderers.
Or even more hilarious.
"Think of the poor plants you eat, you monsters!"

If deatheaters really would care about plants, they wouldn´t eat animals.

Because it is something that even kindergarten children grasp,that animals have to eat many, many plants until they are grown up.

In the USA is 12 times more space used to grow hays for cows and other lifestock, than is used to grow vegetables for human consumption.

Most sources can tell you that cows are feed 12 pounds of grains/soy/corn to grow one pound of muscle(beef)-not to count the grass and hay they have to be feed too.

So even small children grasp the principe of the food chain and the convertion from food to bodily tissue.

To make it simple, deatheaters kill 10-15 times more plants just through feeding and raising animals for their plate.

Not to count the plants and animals that die when fields are plowed, sprayed and harvested which are not part of this food chain.

But that doesn´t stop deatheaters from swinging the argument..plants feel pain, therefor vegans are murderers too.

Well, I never heard a vegan say that plants are not alive or are not killed by eating them, so the argument that vegans are killers too and say otherwise is invalid.

Also that they are not better than deatheaters themselves is invalid, because people have to eat something to live...and vegans choose to eat stuff which causes the least harm.

The land that feeds 2 people with plants and meatproducts, can also feed 12 vegans.

But lets now get to the real issue....

Do plants feel pain and have self awareness?

Well, we can not say for sure....

100 years ago it was said that animals and non whites can not feel pain, they just react like automates to a stimulus.

But now we know that this isn´t true.

Plants are much more different to us than animals. We can not see nerves, a brain or a heart in plants.
But they are alive..they react to light, to insects, to pheromones of other plants that are warning them from approaching insects that want to eat them.

Plants communicate with each other.

With saying that plants do not feel pain or have no awareness, just because our imagination and science isn´t developed far enough, doesn´t mean it is so.

Or we would still believe that the world is flat and we could fall down from there into the nothingness.

Also the sun is moving around the earth..but we know that is not true...we evolved, our science got better, our horizon broadened.

When sometimes in the future scientists will bring the undeniable proof that plants feel and are selfaware, deatheater will just use that to taunt vegans further and say they are not better than themselves.

The best way to withstand pressure is to bend...and flow with it.

So let us say...yes it could be that plants feel pain and are selfaware and we just do not have the means to proof that nowadays.

Therefor it is even more important to eat a plant based diet, because that kills less plants(and animals) than eating meat from animals, which had first to be raised on hundredthousands more plants than if we had eaten the plants directly.

Becaus plants may be able to feel, go and kill less of a plant based diet if you really care